Kara was diagnosed with food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) in August of 2010. She has had many FPIES reactions and complications that have lead to numerous hospitalizations and specialist appointments. It was a huge sigh of relief to finally have some answers and a diagnosis, however we have to remind ourselves daily that this is a very serious disease and this is only the beginning of the long road we have in front of us.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Kara woke up with hives one day last week. I thought back to everything she had eaten and been around and came up with nothing. I had to call down to the allergist for some questions on the formula so I left messages with them about these hives as well as her family doctor. We had to keep a close eye on her and give her benedryl. I remembered 2 days later, after feeding her leftovers from Sunday night for supper that the Campbell's Vegetable Soup was something new that I had tried for the first time. Later that night her hives started again. I've gone over this ingredient list again and again and can't figure out what it was. At the advice of our family doctor we will be bringing this can to St. Cloud with us to have the allergist look at. We may never know what caused this, maybe it wasn't the soup but it sure was strange. She's never had a hives reaction before. Anything digestive wouldn't have surprised me any and she breaks out in eczema fairly often as well. We had her at the clinic on Thursday and she still had them but seems to be all cleared up now. The Epi-Pen is getting closer and closer to being a part of our lives every day!

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