Kara was diagnosed with food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) in August of 2010. She has had many FPIES reactions and complications that have lead to numerous hospitalizations and specialist appointments. It was a huge sigh of relief to finally have some answers and a diagnosis, however we have to remind ourselves daily that this is a very serious disease and this is only the beginning of the long road we have in front of us.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bottle Battle

A thought that runs through my head on a daily basis is "what will happen if Kara stops taking her bottle." I remember Brenna getting to an age, probably around 13 months that she didn't care about her bottles at all anymore so we took them away.

At this point Kara's main, pretty much only, source of nutrition is her Neocate Jr. She will not take this out of a sippy cup and we haven't pushed it because we NEED her to drink enough of it in a day to maintain. So, she gets roughly five 6 oz bottles per day. Lately there has been a morning or two when she's just too busy. She wants to see what big sister is doing or she just woke up for the day and doesn't want to sit in the chair with her ba-ba. The other day she took TWO ounces of it and that was it. She hadn't had a bottle since seven the night before so she should have been starved but absolutely refused her bottle. It's days like this that I start to get really nervous - for the lack of nutrition, for the chance of dehydration, for every problem that these two things can cause. I constantly handing over her sippy cup of water which she'll sip on once in a while, when big sister has a sippy but nothing close to what she should be having. If I replace the water with her Neocate, she throws it, wants nothing to do with it.

With her only having two, hopefully soon to be three, safe foods there's really no room for her to be refusing anything in her diet. Hopefully she will continue to drink her bottles every day and we won't have to even get to that next point.

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