Kara was diagnosed with food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) in August of 2010. She has had many FPIES reactions and complications that have lead to numerous hospitalizations and specialist appointments. It was a huge sigh of relief to finally have some answers and a diagnosis, however we have to remind ourselves daily that this is a very serious disease and this is only the beginning of the long road we have in front of us.

Friday, July 15, 2011

These Days

Life has been simply exhausting around here these days. June started with prepping for Kara's surgery, the surgery itself with the hospital stay and recovery, followed by the 4th of July and all the festivities surrounding it in our community. In the last week we have been completely back on track, back on our normal schedule. Things should be getting back to normal around here, but they aren't.

Because we can't seem to make it one week without a visit to the doctor for some reason (oh wait! We did it this week!) we started last week out, after the holiday, at the doctor because Kara had an eczema flare that was totally out of control. By the time I decided to make her appointment, she had the inflammation cough again as well. Back on meds we go - two new prescriptions for the skin! If this didn't work (which it has, luckily) it was on to a dose of Prednisone which would have helped the cough as well, but of course only temporarily.

Kara has been completely out of sorts. There is no such thing as a baseline at our house anymore and we have a child who is waking up screaming in the night for hours - mostly two hours every night. She's having terrible tummy aches which is obvious by her crankiness, and other more obvious symptoms. We have a GI follow up appointment on Wednesday morning. Kara has had no new foods since our last GI appointment which was about six weeks ago and has been antibiotic free for a few weeks now as well. After eating peas for lunch one day this week I thought we may be running down the road of another VERY delayed reaction to those but then the last few days she's been on a very basic diet and things still haven't been looking any better.

Our days are consumed with laughing and playing but then just as soon as that starts its hitting and screaming. It's a daily roller coaster of up and down symptoms which tell me that something more is going on. We are getting really good at distraction - last weekend we spent the day out on the boat after an early 10:00-12:00 nap due to a very ornery Kara. She was so happy, swimming in the water but every so often, she'd get out and need to snuggle up, clear that she'd had enough and needed a rest. I'm am purely exhausted because she just wants her Mamma. With all of this happening, life still has to go on. I have a four year old sweetheart who wants her Mommy time that she deserves and a busy husband. I feel the need for a get-away, an additional 3 hours in my day, or a few more arms!

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