This week I accomplished a few things with our insurance battle. I called the company and was told that I will need to have our physician write a letter of medical necessity and it will be reviewed for coverage. I picked this up on Friday and will be sending it in the next time we order formula. In this letter it was suggested that Kara be on Neocate Jr as a supplement for at least another six months. I'm hoping this works but I'm ready to battle if it doesn't.
I called the Medical Supply Company on Thursday to update them on my findings. I let them know that the (new) insurance company denied the formula as non-covered. They hadn't received that denial yet. I talked with the biller and explained to her that because I ordered it in December, I figured it would be billed as December's order but it arrived at the beginning of January so that's what they billed it as. I found out on Friday that they are going to now run it through as December's order since they checked their paperwork and it should have been put in as December. They are rebilling it now so I'm crossing my fingers that this works!!!
oooh. Finger's crossed!